Amber Hale
Y.A Accredited Yoga Teacher, 2.1 B.A Choreography, Diploma in Shiatsu Massage
Anyone who knows me, will know that I have reached rock bottom in my life a few times. My dad always says "Amber you're like the Phoenix, just when everyone thought you were at rock bottom, you rise up from the ashes!!!"
For me the Phoenix represents rejuvenation, energy and flying back up to the light. Sometimes we have to experience complete darkness in our healing journey in order to reach higher towards the light. Through my yoga classes, shiatsu and holistic massage treatments and wellbeing retreats my goal is to help people feel empowered and self loved so they can rise from the ashes and soar higher to mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
My parents were both on the hippie trail in India and followed Transcendental Meditation, so my sisters and I grew up with both of them taking themselves off for an hour everyday to do their meditation. We travelled the world where my parents took us out of school for up to three months a year as they believed - seeing the world and experiencing different cultures to be a great education. We spent a lot of time in communes and hippie camps in the Florida Keys where seeing all the adults doing Didgeridoo Therapy was normal for us girls growing up. My mum was a Reflexologist by trade so every time we felt unwell, she would hold out her hands and say ''give us your feet''. When I was six years old I used to go to yoga classes with my mum and the other women in the 'yoga attic'. From then on - I loved yoga and always loved anything movement oriented. Being in the healing world and becoming a yoga teacher, dancer, wellbeing practitioner and massage therapist, I believe was a fate I was given and did not decide.
I now have 20 years experience teaching yoga, 15 years experience treating people with shiatsu massage and I am now training in aromatherapy massage. I have a keen interest in being in nature, foraging and understanding the medical properties of plants. I hope I can use my experience, qualifications and skills to help others live a more joyful and peaceful life as my mum always did with her amazingly positive and kind attitude. Even though mum is not with me now, I know she is with me as a guardian angel in my life and my healing practices to help others with their well being and health. You can book a shiatsu massage, aromatherapy massage or yoga session with me on the booking/contact page.